The Alaska Mission Trip: The Second Day


" The truth is a trap: you can not get it without it getting you; you cannot get the truth by capturing it, only by its capturing of you."

-Soren Kierkegaard, The Journals

Another busy day passes by, and more work has been done in great time. The washer and dryer have been installed at checkpoint for the local youth to use, but in the installation a leak was found. The leak turned out to be the upstairs toliet, the wax seal being ruined and the clamp for the toilet rusted to bits. James and Ethan replaced the seal and fixed the toilet as Jan and Bob worked on the bike shop, caulking the sides and making sure it was sealed tight. We had the Ventress family over for lunch, and during the day were lucky enough to have Avril ( a local who comes by checkpoint) to help us paint the GaGa ball pit.
Ethan and Conner during a break were being clowns on the small bikes outside the bike shop, certainly being entertainment for the local homeless. 

Short story: The dusky picture was because of Lori, who was being proactive and wanted to get up at 6am to start breakfast, and so set her alarm the night before. 6am came and Lori got ready to cook and realized the sky had changed colors, and so to confirm it was in fact 6am looks at a clock on the wall and realized it was in fact 4am. At least the was a nice picture to gain out of getting up too early!

Pray for:

Well rested bodies

Joy in difficulty

A Servants heart

Excitement in every moment


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