The Alaska Mission Trip: Day 7 (Country roads, take me home)


" No man can have a peaceful life who thinks too much about lengthening it."


It is finished. We made it back with hardly any struggles, there was a little bit of turbulence on the flight from Nome to Anchorage, but we made it with energy to spare. 
Before we left, however, we had the opportunity to drop by the Nome museum and see their exhibit of the native people and their history. This, along with the history of the gold rush, made for a fun walk around in the interactive history exhibit. Ethan was keen on building a store front out of logs they had for display, and Avril wanted to take a phone call. 
The weather the last two days got a little rougher, but not to the point that pictures couldn't be taken of the crashing waves and grey skies. 
Avril before we took off for the airport decided Ethan should have his hair done after a long week of work, and a few cribbage games were played before Nome was left and Colorado was entered. 

Lars was kind enough when we got back into Colorado to pick us up in one of the church vans early in the morning, as the whole crew was tired even if some had gotten a little bit of rest on the flight. 
We drove back, dropped everyone off and as the sun set in Colorado, the sun in Alaska continued to shine deep into the night. 

Thank you to all who supported this mission trip in any way, be it through prayers or financially. We have had the opportunity to bless, and that have been blessed by the beautiful community of Nome. The team sent on the trip has grown closer as brothers and sisters in Christ, and the talents all possessed were exemplified and put to good use. Overall, this mission was only one of many, but it provided so much fruit as the labor that was needed was fully completed. All the boxes were checked and even though it was only a week to partially connect, what has been done will affect Nome's youth going into the school year and hopefully beyond.
We came to serve and we did it with a faithful heart, and now we go back to Colorado with stories to share and excitement to reunite with those who sent us.


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